Going green
The Firehouse folk were recently challenged to make Shell’s 2018 Safety Day film. Safety Day is an annual, global event that brings together over 500,000 people in their local groups to brainstorm how they could improve safety at their workplace.
And every meeting kicks off with the Safety Day film, so it has to entertain and inspire the upcoming conversations.
Now normally it is probably not ideal to shoot a film designed to engage a global audience exclusively in London, so previous Safety Day films have tended to be shot across a range of representative global locations.
But, along with being inclusive, all responsible businesses are also determined to reduce their carbon footprint at every opportunity. Our 2018 solution was to go green with greenscreen. And to eschew airports for a distinctly chilly Camberwell.
Over the course of a one day shoot we recreated a plant in Rio and imagined an office in India with green screen doing all of the hard work. And our quirky, animated approach gave the whole film a really strong and distinctive look all done, just for once, by not going the extra mile.