Meet Kel and Ollie - our new joiners
60 sec interviews
And you are?
I’m Kel and…
I am a Junior Designer here at Firehouse. I come up with concept designs as well as playing my part in developing creative responses to briefs.
What’s your big secret?
OK. So… I really love listening to classical music (people are pretty surprised when I tell them that!)
What do you do when you have the time?
I really love taking photos. I paint. Oh… and I do have a bit of thing about cleaning and tidying. Does that make me weird?
How many cups of tea do you drink a day?
Can be as many as 10. Yeah. I know…
Who would be at your 'come dine with me'?
Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, Princess Diana
If sleep didn’t get in the way, how would spend you the 8 extra hours in a day?
Well, after cleaning and tidying up… I’d probably spend my time developing my creative skills.... practice makes perfect
Finally, … Why do you do, what you do?
Seeing people experience a space that you have created is very fulfilling and makes you want to keep on pushing the boundaries - in terms of design. I am really excited about what is going to come next as a challenge. I firmly believe you’re only as good as your last project… the only way is up!
And you are?
I’m Ollie…
I’m the Senior Producer at Firehouse. Developing, executing and managing all aspects of our client projects.
What’s your big secret?
I once got lost whilst out running in Jordan during an event. Ended up having a cup of chai tea and a bowl of dates with a Bedouin camel farmer, whilst waiting for his son to take me back to civilisation (’course I’d never tell anyone about this. Oh, wait a minute…).
What do you too when you have the time?
Sport! Playing, learning. I love it all, though I’m not about to appear on Sky Sport anytime soon.
What do you want to be remembered for?
My cooking! I love it, but I’m sure my partner would say different…
Who would be at your 'come dine with me'?
Jack Nicklaus, Michael McIntyre and Crocodile Dundee
If sleep didn’t get in the way, how would you spend the 8 extra hours in a day?
I’d invest in developing yet more skills! Ideas, inventions… maybe try and become the new paper clip billionaire
Finally, … Why do you do, what you do?
Creating compelling communications and experiences is demanding, but the rewards make up for the challenges. The idea of being able to create something unique and special for our clients offers immense satisfaction. You never really know what the next project will be, but you can steer the ship!