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The power of modern film in comms
The world of modern comms and video specifically is evolving. What's more, there's a lot of power in it. According to Cisco, 82% of all...
Net zero goals and carbon neutrality vs actual sustainability
We know our clients are passionate about sustainability, so we take every opportunity to help them meet their own goals and align all...
The Great Resignation
The Great Resignation is upon us, and departments that were once sailing smooth waters are now encountering rocky shores. All it takes is...
Wellbeing in the workplace
Our recently published whitepaper looks at the ever-increasing importance that organisations and employees are putting on wellbeing in...
How virtual events can increase employment engagement
With large gatherings currently banned, it can seem like one of the best channels for communicating with your internal team on a large...
Research survey live for latest DRPG Whitepaper
The research & insights team at our parent company DRPG are running a survey exploring wellbeing in the workplace and how it has evolved...
Working 9-5?! Hardly. A working parent in pandemic
If you’re anything like me, after Christmas (which was very different in comparison to other years) you probably felt slightly unsettled....
The importance of creativity in communications
Creativity lives on and here we look at how organisations can best hitch their wagons to the creative surge we are seeing today. We take...
Pardon my pyjamas
As an antidote to all the advice about the dos and don'ts of video conferencing during lockdown, Firehouse managed to get hold of this...
Keep Calm and Carry On
The definition of resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. It’s fair to say we are all experiencing new...
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